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Mobile SEPCOM Bedding Unit

01.09.2014  |  Willebroek, Belgium

The SEPCOM Bedding, in particular, is a machine that needs to be demonstrated in action highlighting the extraordinary quality of its output―a material with a particularly high dry solids content. In Belgium WAM B.H.M. recently started a collaboration with such an installer. The company called HVD Technologies from Willebroek developed a mobile test installation for the SEPCOM Bedding in order to run tests on farms and possibly convince the farmers right there on site of the efficiency of this unique screw separator.
The test set-up is a joint venture between HVD and WAM B.H.M. which made SEPCOM Bedding available to the installation company at the end of 2013, whereas HVD invested in the development and assembly of a trailer, a lifting system, and other accessories such as control panel and pumping device.

The first unit was installed in May 2014 and is currently used as a test plant by a local administration. The farmer has an agreement with the administration and is also testing alternative solutions such as straw mixed with lime. However, for the time being, the cows seem to prefer the SEPCOM Bedding showing a clear preference for the side of the shed covered with the material produced by the WAMGROUP machine. Who said cows are not smart?
For the moment the Belgian Farmers’ Association is still hesitant due to fear of bacteria. The dairy industry, too, has yet to be convinced.
On one hand, this shows that, in Belgium, it is still early days for this technology. On the other hand, the market is still unexplored which means great opportunities.

The essential point is that WAM B.H.M. has been implementing a distribution strategy as required by the WAMGROUP Headquarters, a strategy based on a snowball effect that ensures that the product surely reaches the end user, at the same time, safeguarding the interest of each part of the distribution chain through fair pricing.

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