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RECOFIL and EASYFILL for Filter Dust

01.05.2014  |  Modena, Italy
Italian maintenance providers and manufacturers of filters for plasma cutting machines have discovered innovative solutions provided by WAMGROUP. Instead of using traditional discharge bins they decided to test the RECOFIL and were thrilled by its performance. Since then a large number of filters have been equipped by WAM Italia with this unique dust recovery system.
To dispose of the collected dust, EASYFILL Bulk Bag Filling Stations connected with up to four RECOFIL were installed, depending on the distance between the filter units. Since 2010, a variety of  RECOFIL systems have been installed, the application being always the same, i.e. automatic recovery of dust from sheet metal cutting machine filters.

Experience has taught WAM Italia that installers and maintenance companies are the ideal distribution partners for such equipment in Italy.
Users have two main targets: saving time and money when discharging dust from the filter hoppers, as well as safeguarding the operators’ health.
The end users are extremely satisfied as their issues regarding environmental pollution and health hazards have been successfully solved.

The system reduces downtime of the cutting machines to virtually zero keeping production going at all times. Moreover, with RECOFIL operators do not enter in contact with the dust while the work environment is kept perfectly clean.
GDPR W dniu 25 maja 2018 r. we wszystkich państwach członkowskich UE weszło w życie nowe ogólne rozporządzenie o ochronie danych osobowych (RODO). Sprawdź, jak dostosowaliśmy naszą politykę prywatności do prawodawstwa europejskiego.

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